Elizabeth has compassion, kindness, and ability to listen and console me

Without Liz’s guidance, it would have been much, much harder for me to gain admission to the Illinois Bar. I had a very serious character and fitness issue that took place the year before law school that I swept under the rug until my third year of law school. I called Liz early in my third year, desperate for help as the character and fitness deadline loomed in the distance. Liz first explained the process to me in substantial detail, and then collected all of my relevant information. Between then and the deadline for me to submit my character and fitness form, I had several meetings with Liz, and she helped me write a very powerful letter to the board of admissions that, I’m sure, helped my case. However, as we both expected, I was ultimately called in for an interview. Liz prepared me for the interview by asking me tons of practice questions, and the interview was a breeze because I had expected every question. I was certified on the spot. Without her help, I may still be dealing with the issue, and I may have missed the swearing in ceremony with the rest of my class.

However, in addition to her shepherding me through the process, which she was clearly able to do successfully because of her intelligence and experience in handling these issues, she also became a close friend from the onset of the process, which made it much easier to go through. She reassured me that everything was going to be fine, and provided a shoulder for me to vent my frustrations. This was a very private matter for me, and she is one of the few people who knows about the affair. All to say, her compassion, kindness, and ability to listen and console me, and, above all, her ability to provide hope, was as helpful getting through the process as her legal advice.

Liz is an incredible lawyer and an incredible human being, and I urge anyone with a character and fitness issue to be thankful that she’s around. I’m going to be sworn because of her, and I look forward to a life-long friendship with her.

Elizabeth has compassion, kindness, and ability to listen and console me